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Room Detail

▼専有面積 -Size
80平米 (80 square meters)
▼間取り -Composition
3LDK (2 bedroom/ large living / dining kitchen / office work place)
▼最大定員 -Number of Guests
6人 (Maximum 6 people)
▼宿泊数 -Accommodation Period
1か月単位での受け入れ ※短期利用はご相談下さい
(Monthly use only. Please let us known for period preference)
▼宿泊料金 -Room Rate
29,000バーツ/月 ※約10万円 (29,000 THB per month ≒ 100K Japanese yen)
▼補足事項 -Notes
(Water utilities, management fee, and Internet fee will be charged separately)
(Jacuzzi bathroom, and Washlet installation)
(Japanese TV shows (81 stations) are available for viewing)

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